Monday 2 May 2011

Penzance Breaks Record!!!

Thanks everyone for their hard work and party spirit on Saturday.
Our picnic table came in at 55metres!! beating the previous record by 12mts!!!
It was a great day with amazing weather and chilled tunes
Bring on the big lunch xx

Tuesday 19 April 2011


1pm- 9pm 23rd April Easter Saturday, Western Promenade Rd, Penzance
Lets beat the UK record for the longest picnic?
All we need to do it turn up on the promenade with a blanket or table and have a party together!
The shipping container has been open to use for free for a month so to celebrate we’d like to bring everyone in Penzance together for a day of fun in the sun:
2pm Shanty and his miniature theatre show
4pm Live Musical showcase
6pm Jam Down Kernow

If you'd like to be involved adding to the day there is still room for that please contact us on:
0787 0837 544
Facebook- Self Contained Penzance

Monday 18 April 2011

Golowan Festival launch goes down a treat

Golowan Festival used the container to recruit volunteers and launch this years festival. 'What a fantastic space' they said.

Tea by the Sea

Was a great success with over 200 pieces of cake eaten, families reunited and Corrina Stratton Darling promising to return for the closing party on the 23rd April


Mending and Dying Workshop

This Friday saw the lovely and very talented Francesca Owen and Sue Bamford spend a day in the container. Sue did a great job fixing jeans and helping with the natural dying process. Francesca had brought alone some amazing Solar Dyes, lots of beetroot, eucalyptus and marigolds to transform some boring white fabrics, all without using any nasty chemicals!!
We didn't get the best weather but it was a great day none the less, check out Francesca's Colour Garden outside Newlyn Art Gallery, a ongoing project transforming a scrub of land into a vibrate batch of plants for dying.

Monday 21 March 2011

Shipping Container space available for free!

Self contained – what would you do if offered a big shipping container to do whatever you want with for free?
It’s yours…
Book your session now at
Available between 26th March- 23rd April 2011
Band practice, community skill share, show a film, gig, theatrical performance, gallery space, art studio, party, yoga class, hang out, meditation, the unexpected….
Culminating with ‘The Big Lunch’ on June the 5th where we hope every road, lane, avenue and crescent to host their own little lunch party